Being recognized as an organization or individual team members during chats

Being recognized as an organization or individual team members during chats

Última atualização: Segunda-feira, Jun 21, 2021

Thanks to Xeno, you can decide if you want to be recognized as one organization during your chats or if you prefer to be recognized as individual team members.

How do I customize this option?

  1. From your Xeno account, all you have to do is go to your Settings page.

  2. Click on the "During chats" tab.

  3. You will see two options:

  • "You want to be recognized as one organization"

This mode will use a single, default user profile to answer your leads and customers, regardless of who answers company-side.

  • "You want to be recognized as individual team members"

This mode will display your Xeno profile picture to your leads and customers in your Xeno chatbox. In this mode, your Xeno profile picture will be shown to contacts, via the Xeno chatbox, while you are answering them.

Manual communication

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