Manage Outgoing WebHooks for Contacts

Manage Outgoing WebHooks for Contacts

Última actualización viernes, dic 20, 2024

Create an Outgoing WebHook

  • Go to your Xeno account and click on Apps (you can also follow this link)

  • Search for "Custom Webhooks". And click on "Configure this app"

  • Add your Endpoint URL, and Save. Note that a test WebHook will be sent to this URL. This test WebHook will contain your unique WebHook Security Token to identify Xeno servers.

"Test" Event

  "event": "test",
  "token": "a-unique-token"

"Contact Updated" Event

  "event": "contact_updated",  
  "token": "a-unique-token",
  "payload": {
    "contact": {
      "token": "7d50f7d5-66d9-423c-b442-458d02a3fe60",
      "name": "Remi Delhaye",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "language": "en-US",
      "last_visited_page": "",
      "platform": "OS X (10.11.6)",
      "browser": "Chrome (52.0.2743.116)",
      "city": "San Francisco, CA",
      "country": "US",
      "referrer": "",
      "pages_visited_count": 42,
      "custom": {
        "user_id": 123456789,
        "firstname": "Rémi",
        "lastname": "Delhaye",
        "team_id": 1

Outgoing WebHooks

4 artículo en esta categoria.