Snoozing a conversation in Xeno

Snoozing a conversation in Xeno

Last update: pátek, pro 20, 2024

The snooze button is very helpful in situations where you need to put a conversation on hold. It can come in handy during a conversation, if you’re waiting on something from your team, or even from your contact. The action of snoozing a conversation will set up a helpful reminder to follow up on said conversation after a certain amount of time.

Snoozing a conversation will temporarily remove it from your open conversations list, and will move it to your snoozed conversations list. You can manage your snoozed conversations from your Xeno Inbox page. When the designated snooze period ends, (or if somebody replies), said conversation will be reopened and you’ll be reminded to follow up on that conversation.

How do I snooze a conversation?

Snoozing a conversation is easy. During any conversation, you can bring up the snooze window, simply by clicking on the snooze button in the top right-hand corner of a conversation, that you can see below. You’ll then be able to choose how long you’d like to snooze the conversation for.

How long can I snooze a conversation for?

Xeno offers default amounts of time for you to snooze your conversations, however, you can also customize this to your needs, depending on the way you work. You could only need to snooze a conversation for an hour, or you might need to snooze a conversation until the next week, depending on the type of exchange.

When will a snoozed conversation automatically be reopened?

A snoozed conversation will automatically be reopened:

Once the snooze period you specified is over. When a conversation is reopened, as a result of the end of a snooze period, you’ll see two different internal messages: one to let you know who snoozed the conversation and for how long, and a second one to let you know the conversation was reopened and how long it was snoozed for.

If a contact or a team member sends a message in said snoozed conversation.

How do I choose between snoozing a conversation or closing a conversation?

You should only ever close a conversation when you know said conversation is definitely over: when you’ve resolved your contact’s problem or sufficiently answered their questions.

On the other hand, you should snooze a conversation when you’re waiting for an answer from your contact, for instance, if you know you need more info from the contact. If you are snoozing a conversation, it’s worth being transparent with your contact, and letting them know there and then when you’ll get back to them.

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